Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In My Life

In my life, certain events are going to have to take place.
Recently I've been contemplating a list of specifics. Here are a few such goals:
-Meet J.K. Rowling and hug her brilliant head
-Visit DragonCon dressed as Buffy the Vampire Slayer
-Go to ComicCon dressed as Buffy the Vampire Slayer
-Spend a weekend in Helen, GA celebrating Oktoberfest
-Sit in on a sermon at both Imago Dei and Mars Hill Church
-Hang out with people in India
-Ride every roller coaster at Six Flags during Fright Fest
-Shoot the breeze with some weirdos at Burningman
-Have Tim Burton's child
-Have Taylor Hanson's child
-Write hate mail to both Taylor Swift and Colbie Callait
-Audition for American Idol
-Smoke hookah in Israel
-Write a children's book
-Go to Epcot and drink something different at every country
-Accompany youth on a retreat and attempt to teach them something significant

This list is not complete, but it is awesome.

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