Tuesday, November 11, 2008


My mind is foggy, I don't know where I am
I suppose I will sit down for tea
as long as you promise to point me towards home
I've been along winding roads that lead to nowhere
and my body has betrayed me in size several times now
a many-legged man offered a drag of his pipe
and a fat cat has twice smiled at me and disappeared
He's withholding information from me
and I know he's familiar with my family
but he keeps their whereabouts a secret
Oh, where are they and where am I?
Hatter, you may be the only one to tell me
even your friend, the rabbit, laughs
and grins as though he likes to see me squirm
he'll run away from me soon, anyway, as he always does
I've never felt so lonely
I've never felt so plotted against
And you are proving to be just as unhelpful as the rest
So now I will continue forward
you can have your cakes and foolishness
soon I will wake up under the shade of a great tree
and you'll be nothing more than a bad dream of a wasted Wonderland