Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The idea of failure terrifies me.

These days I feel like I am failing in so many areas of my life.

I want to control failure. I want to defeat it so that it will never stare me in the face again.

I am running full speed ahead towards all perfection,

running into glass walls along the way,

falling down,

turning corners hoping for a clear path ahead,

hitting other elusive walls,

breaking bones,

crouching in the fetal position,

crying harsh and angry tears,

taking time to nurse my wounds,

getting up on my feet again,

walking in an attempt to be patient,

becoming impatient and running again,

hitting a glass wall,

falling down,

all just to end up pissed off at myself

for never





"Seriously, Sarah, just STOP. Listen to yourself."

He reminds me lovingly,

"You are so shortsighted!"

Again He smiles knowingly, and offers His hand

while I turn up my nose


I can do it all on my own.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Does anyone else see that crazed and mildly rabid bulldawg?
Yeah, that's me...
because I'm going to the University of Georgia, y'all.
Gooo dawgs! Sick 'em...woof woof woof woof!
For once in my life I may actually have a minute case of school spirit.
What's happening to me!!?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


and what if those words crossed my lips?

that I knew and understood already

the things you'd say

because I'd heard them in sleep

for years

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Of Old

Days passed of barefeet in the summer grass,
mint leaves sprouting up from wet soil.
My mind drifts back there...
We all played rough with the football
and storm clouds rolled idly by.
Only a smattering of raindrops fell
and our young faces welcomed them.
Til this day I swear
that old house knew me, knew us,
before we were ever born.