Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In My Life

In my life, certain events are going to have to take place.
Recently I've been contemplating a list of specifics. Here are a few such goals:
-Meet J.K. Rowling and hug her brilliant head
-Visit DragonCon dressed as Buffy the Vampire Slayer
-Go to ComicCon dressed as Buffy the Vampire Slayer
-Spend a weekend in Helen, GA celebrating Oktoberfest
-Sit in on a sermon at both Imago Dei and Mars Hill Church
-Hang out with people in India
-Ride every roller coaster at Six Flags during Fright Fest
-Shoot the breeze with some weirdos at Burningman
-Have Tim Burton's child
-Have Taylor Hanson's child
-Write hate mail to both Taylor Swift and Colbie Callait
-Audition for American Idol
-Smoke hookah in Israel
-Write a children's book
-Go to Epcot and drink something different at every country
-Accompany youth on a retreat and attempt to teach them something significant

This list is not complete, but it is awesome.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The days receive numbers to mark their many moons
They are packed in tiny squares, lined up by sevens
And stacked high by fours
Twelve large boxes swallow the constructs
And stand together, a silent and bleak train of time
Waiting for motion

Sunday, April 19, 2009


You’re fighting tears and withholding a venomous word

But don’t hold back

You’re pulling your hair and swallowing shame

But be careful not to choke

Your eyes are shifting towards the door and your feet fight to take you there

But the last thing you should do is run

Because when you’re cocooned under sheets and pillows, craving the comfortable veil of night…

His light is faithful to shine

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In Repair

When the voices around us got too loud
You were restless
Your eyes spoke first and your mouth followed
Insisting that “we could get away”
Our hearts linked like hands in the new solitude
And the hands on the clock danced in hasty circles
So I got dizzy and left too soon
Out on the porch you said goodbye
Stepping forward just to get closer
And the light washed over your face
Your expression caught me by surprise
I had never before seen hope in the crease of a mouth
Turning away in awkward recovery, I walked toward my car
The engine started and the radio sang:
“I’m in repair, I’m not together but I’m getting there”
Driving away, I saw you wave from the porch
Now I’m praying that you’ll be there when I return, waiting with patience
Because I never said goodbye and, Boy:“I’m in repair, I’m not together but I’m getting there”

Sunday, February 8, 2009


The Angel of the Lord strikes
And He fights with glory and light

Friday, January 2, 2009


Behold all the troubles I create for myself
I sweep anxiety around the floor
Without ever disposing of its dust
I cry lakes full of tears
And never swim in the waters
I knock on the door of love
And refuse to step inside
I read of your Life, even press my finger to a well-crafted word
And leave the text behind when your book is closed
My heart is beating like a cheap drum
My life is two-dimensionally inclined
Because I fail to recognize the vastness of your ocean
And the fact that I’m standing in it


You were a million shades of grey
I was seeking black to suit my mood
Or white to lighten my load
Today you are gold, the radiance of light poured over clouded vision
I am blinded and smiling
Because you are all I needed to see