Monday, January 25, 2010

To to to

she feels the dirt falling under her feet

and sees the mountainous clouds colliding


peaks and valleys just miles above her head

manic shouts of thunder alert thousands of birds

to take flight away from here

every dried blade of grass folds

and buries itself hurriedly beneath the soil

to the left and to the right, she is alone

frantic, she sprints to to to

the place in her mind that takes her

away away away

from a lonely world that moves much too quickly

Sunday, January 10, 2010


The woman covered in sandstorm robes

bent slightly to pull rope and motivate her bucket skyward.

It took all the strength in her arms

and inspired an ache in her thigh.

She clenched her jaw and breathed in preparation for

one last exertion

and falling backward, the woman saw the vessel rise

and sway

and spill across stone, sand, and cloth

before diving again, invisible, into the well.

She remembered that when one wrestles deep water,

one should expect to make a right mess.