Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I am from her incessant holiness

and little pins stuck through purses

congratulatory thoughts as light spoke into the darkness

from “what happened to her?”

to “what happened to them?”

I am from total rock music and seven swans

everyday, something golden and new

I am from early mornings

spent rolling through the fog on Samson or Jonah

I am from idealism

and I am from that smiling, bobbling head

gleaming with all promise and foreshadowing

I am from oxygenated, starry nights

with the windows down and melodies lifting us away from youth

and scattering us miles apart

I am from “SHOWERS!”, chow, a cannon

and a well-developed dread for the five o’clock hour

I am from the vine, a withered thirsty branch

filling up on Thursday nights

I am from reconnection after dissatisfactory chatter

half of those absences accounted for and

half hearted delinquency in the park

totaling one whole mess of my affections

I am from mourning my mother’s endless tears

and turning my back on David

praying for his redemption

I am from the glow of reality

brighter as layers of life continually peel back

in joy and in sadness