Saturday, February 23, 2008


He sees her dancing, the jump in her step
And pointed, she speaks in movement and he tries to listen
She conveys complexities and misunderstandings
In the arch of her feet
And the span of her arms
Reaching for something foreign and of much greater value than
These hardwood floors
He hears her sing, the words of men
Who better describe the mess in her head
But he never responds
He sits and waits and soaks it all in
Just like her voice sinks into
Those old walls
He knows nothing of her world, of the language in her eyes
But when she turns to the window
To glance at the darkening sky, he thinks he might be catching on

Friday, February 8, 2008


It floats down like a melancholy chord
gushing from the speakers
I find it around every lonely corner of my mind
beaming, you're all eyes and teeth
this feeling creeps along my spine
and spurs on every solitary move
like a steadily woven web of a spider
and I walk down winding roads
painted in muted pastels
searching for this thing that I've lost
and found repeatedly
and then that face, all bright and dark
ignites the frozen tundra of my heart
you've found me again in a fairytale place
put rings on my hands
and crowned my head, beaded with sweat
the evidence of a long and tiring journey

Sunday, February 3, 2008


What an awkward child,
So wide eyed and young!
You flew down that hill...
from what town did you come?
The winds blew you along
and you stumbled my way
Lucky I didn't trip,
you appeared so quickly
Tell me your name
and, oh, what does it mean?
blue eyes, blue eyes...
Wait, but your mother's were green?
How odd your sneakers
and that ill fitting sweater,
Come along to my home
where things look much better.
So many wrongs come with you today
Now just let me help you...
and please don't delay.
I will give you my warmth,
my strength and my food
to nourish your bones
and inspire your mood.
Now I know I'm a stranger,
but in this you should trust...
You have left your old life
and forgetting's a must.
New things lie ahead
and there's nothing to fear,
but the loss of your soul
and my voice in your ear.